Cryptowoke Workbook Manuals
Select from our collection of Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement 'How to' manuals produced by M'Bwebe Ishangi.
CFSM Credit Hack #1: How To Use Credit Cards to Pay Your Credit Card Bill in 7 Steps
If you’re using credit cards because your cash flow is low and you don’t want to ruin your credit score, this credit hack shows how you can literacy “borrow” from what you owe on your credit card to pay your credit card statement for the month—minus interest fees.
CFSM Credit Hack #2: Use Credit to Pay Off Debt While Building Wealth in 6 Steps
Credit can actually be used to get out of debt—even if you have credit card debt! This six-step strategy will not only eliminate sizable debt, you’ll create a credit line coffer you would never see working a job in your lifetime!
CFSM Credit Hack#3: How to Build Business Credit Master Guide
Looking to start a business or you own a business but operate with limited funds? This manual walks you step-by-step on how to set up, qualify, and then apply for business credit that can enhance your lifestyle—and you don’t have to have a brick & mortar, product, or service-based business!
CFSM Credit Hack #4: Velocity Banking Explained: How to Quickly Pay Off Your Mortgage & Car in 6 Steps
Most large purchases like mortgages and cars are done with credit. The annoying part is the interest that comes with it. You may think you have relief with a 15-30 year mortgage, but how much EXTRA are you paying over that time? Did you know there’s a way to pay off large debts in a fraction of the time without having to take on another job or hit the lottery? Learn using these easy steps so you can stop giving away free money!
CFSM Credit Hack #5: What's An F.E.N.?
Ever wondered the total of how much money you pay others to keep a roof over your head, food in the house, the lights and internet on, your cellphone on, gas in the car, insurance, as well as any loans to be paid? It may not be a consistent number, but it is a round-about sum you have to earn each and every month. What you will learn now is how to compile that number so that not only will you know how much it is, you’ll be able to amend it to your needs. *Added Bonus: From M'Bwebe Ishangi's Cryptowoke Financial Sustainability Movement's Master Finanicial Literacy Course, a free Finanical Workbook that will plug in all your numbers and automaticaly calculate for you!
CFSM Credit Hack #6: How to Create Wealth with Life Insurance
Why do people get life insurance? To cover the expenses that will occur when we die. What most don't know is there are life insurance policies that allows many—for the first time—to plan and act intergenerationally. Meaning, we can use this tool to create wealth not just for our children and grandchildren, we can additionally plan seventy years in to the future—a time when you may no longer be here—but your great-grandchildren are! This hack manual gives you the scoop on how!
CFSM Credit Hack #7: Infinite Banking Explained
You finance everything in life. You either borrow money and pay interest, or you use your own money and give up interest you could have earned. The problem is that all these items are financed by other banking organizations. It’s time we begin thinking and acting like banks!