DGT Celebrates the Legacy of Joel Augustus Rogers
One of the greatest mindz of Afrikan history in the 20th century was a Jamaican-American author, journalist, and historian who contributed research on the history of Afrika and the Afrikan Diaspora, especially on Afrikanz in the United States, for over 50 yearz. His research spanned the academic fieldz of history, sociology, and anthropology. He challenged prevailing ideas about race, demonstrated the connectionz between civilizationz, and traced Afrikan achievements.
"In presenting proof of the '100 Amazing Facts About the Negro', I felt that it would not be enough to say that I had met this or that person or seen this or that thing in a museum or an ancient ruin. I have tried rather to give recorded proof, that is, a book in which they were mentioned. Books in foreign languages were cited only when there were no English translation at all, or such translations were poor or abridged."
xxxxxxxxxxx — J.A. Rogers
We at DGT salute his selfless sacrifice and work to extend this trailblazerz path with excerpts of his findingz on DGTs blog, DGT720 from his book, '100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof'.
*Because of the need for use of more culturally-correct termz, we will substitute 'Negro' with 'Afrikan'.
#8: Beethoven, the world's greatest musician, was without a doubt a dark mulatto. He was called "The Black Spaniard." His teacher, the immortal Joseph Haydn, who wrote the music for the former Austrian National Anthem, was colored too.
#16: Afrikanz lived in America thousands of years before Columbus. Central American monuments show numerous carvings of them as gods. When Columbus came to the New World, Afrikanz had been crossing from Afrika to South America a distance of 1600 miles. The first white men to reach the American mainland tell of seeing Afrikanz. Columbus, who visited South America, said that he had heard of them there.
#23: Estevanico, an Afrikan from Morocco, was one of a party of four to cross the North American continent in 1536 for the first time. The journey took nine years. In 1539 he headed an expedition that discovered Arizona and New Mexico. His travels served to open up the Southwest and States west of Florida, as far as the Pacific.
#24: The founder of the City of Chicago was Baptist Pointe de Saible, an Afrikan, in 1779.

#27: Jan Ernest Matzeliger, a Dutch West Indian Afrikan living in Lynn, Massachusetts, invented the first machine for sewing soles of shoes to the uppers. This invention, which was eleven years in the making, revolutionized the industry and gave shoe supremacy to the United States.
#28: George Washington Carver of Tuskegee Institute, one of the world's greatest agricultural chemists, was award the Roosevelt Medal in 1939 for "distinguished service in the field of science." From the peanut he extracted 285 products, and from the sweet potato, 118. Dr. Carver was born a slave. Thomas Edison once offered him a large salary to take charge of one of the Edison laboratories but Carver refused in order to continue the work he had begun with Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee.
#33: Imhotep of Ancient Egypt (Kemet), was the real Father of Medicine. He lived about 2300BC. Greece and Rome had their knowledge of medicine from him. In Rome he was worshipped as the Prince of Peace in the form of a black man. His Ethiopian portraits show him as an Afrikan. Imhotep was also Prime Minister to King Zoser as well as the foremost architect of his time. The saying, "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die," has been traced to him. Hippocrates, the so-called "Father of Medicine" lived 2000 years after Imhotep.
#42: Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, and father of the Declaration of Independence, was the father of a large number of mulatto children. His wife protested loud and long to no avail. Patrick Henry, another signer of that document, had an Afrikan son named Melancthon.
#47: The devil which is now depicted as black (or anything else negative), was once portrayed as white. When the black man dominated the planet, he painted the forces of evil white. When the whites came into power, they shifted the colors. But as late as 1500 the Ethiopians still depicted their gods and heroes black, and their devils and villains white. Father Fernandez, a Catholic missionary who worked amongst them at this time says, "They paint Christ, the Blessed Virgin, and other saints in black form; and devils and wicked men, white. Thus Christ and his apostles are black and Judas white. Annas, Caiphas, Pilate, Herod and the jews are white, while Michael is black, and the devil, white."

#49: The Bible really originated in Ancient Egypt (Kemet), where the population, according to Herodotus and Aristotle, was black. Here the jews received almost all of their early culture. Prof. Breasted, leading Egyptologist, says, "The ripe social and moral development of mankind in the Nile Valley which is 3000 years older than that of the Hebrews, contributed essentially to the formation of Hebrew literature. Our moral heritage therefore derives from a wider human past enormously older than the Hebrews, and it has come to us rather THROUGH the Hebrews than FROM them."
#51: Ethiopians gave to the world the first idea of right and wrong and thus laid the basis of religion, and of all true culture and civilization. The earliest exposition of this yet found is in the so-called Memphite Drama, which is known only through a copy on a slab of basalt made by order of an Ethiopian King in 700BC.
#53: The celestial saint of Germany is St. Maurice, a pure Afrikan. While in command of a Roman legion in Gaul (Switzerland), in 287AD, he refused to attack the Christians when ordered to do so by the Emperor Maximian Herculius, for which he was killed. His picture is in many German cathedrals and museums sometimes with the German eagle on his head. Recent pictures of Adolf Hitler, nearly 1700 years later, show him with the same emblem on his head. (Which is puzzling, because he killed many innocents; his own people as well as Afrikanz who lived in Germany)
#54: On November 15, 218BC, Hannibal, a full-blooded Afrikan, marching through conquered territory in Spain and France, performed the astounding feat of crossing the Alps. With only 26,000 of his original force of 82,000 men remaining, he defeated Rome, the mightiest military power of that age, who had a million men, in every battle for the next fifteen years. Hannibal is the father of military strategy His tactics are still taught in leading military academics of the United States, England, France, Germany, and other lands. (Yet today, all we hear of as the mightiest soldier being a bunch of homosexualz called Spartans. Hell-y-woodz movie, '300', falsely crownz them as superior. And when we hear of the name Hannibal, we think of a flesh eating serial killer played by actor Anthony Hopkins)

#63: The word, 'slave', was originally applied to white people. It comes from 'Slav', a Russian people captured by the Germans.
#64: The first slaves held in the United States were not black but white. They were Europeans mostly British, who dies like flies on the slave-ships across. On one voyage 1100 perished out of 1500. At another time 350 out of 400. In Virginia, white servitude was for a limited period but was sometimes extended to life. In the West Indies, particularly in the case of the Irish, it was for life. White people were sold in the United States up to 1826, fifty years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, was a runaway, and was advertised in the newspapers.
#66: In 1670, Virginia passed a law forbidding Afrikanz from buying white people. This was fifty-one years after the Afrikan had arrived in chains. The same law was repeated in 1748. Free Afrikanz bought white people in such numbers in Lousiana, that the state made a similar law in 1818.
#74: The Rock of Gibraltar, the symbol of stability, is named after an Afrikan ex-slave. It is a corruption of "Gerbal-Tarik", or "The Mountain of Tarik". Tarik was a Moor, captured the Rock which was then called Calpe, in 711AD. Later he conquered Southern Spain. Tarik's countrymen thereafter ruled Spain for 700 years.
#76: Toussaint L'Ouverture and his great mulatto rival, General Rigaud were both thrown into the same dungeon in France by Napoleon in 1802. Later at St. Helena, Napoleon declared that the imprisonment of Toussaint was a grave political error.

#77: Toussaint L'Ouverture had planned after Haiti was freed to go to Dahomey, West Africa and use it as a base from which to fight the slave-trade. For this purpose, he saved 6million francs, equivalent that sum in dollars now, which he entrusted to Stephen Girard, an American ship captain. After the treacherous capture of Toussaint, Girard would not turn over his money to Toussaint's family. During his nine months imprisonment, Toussaint was tormented by Napoleon's agents to reveal the hiding place of the money. Later Girard, a Frenchmen by birth, became the richest American of his day. He left millions on his death in 1831 for the founding of Girard College in Philadelphia, stipulating it should be for whites only. He also gave money to buy coal for the poor of Philadelphia with the same provision.
#94: The chief Back-to-Africa leaders were: Paul Cuffee, Major Martin R. Delany, "Pop" Singelton, William Ellis, Chief Sam, Dr. Thorne, and Marcus Garvey. Garvey had a following greater than the rest combined.
#100: Since 1460AD or earlier, the Afrikanz of Seville, Spain had been wearing in the religious procession on the feat of Corpus Cristi, a white robe and hood, strikingly like that used by the Ku Klux Klan, which originated 428 years later.
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