From Fired to Hiring Myself: A Year's Reflection (2018) - NEW
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
To survive in America is changing drastically. We're approaching possibly another economic crisis and the current monetary and savings model is failing. Jobs are scarce and your employer is not obligated to pay you for the rest of your life! One day you will either be laid-off, fired, or retired. This will not stop the fact your bills are due every 30 days. How will you sustain yourself then? One year ago M’Bwebe Ishangi was fired from a Fortune500 company after twelve years not for his work performance, but his social media posts! Rather than fight for his job, he decided to live his life's purpose realizing financial sustainability is a topic many haven't a plan for, thus when let go, fired, or retired from your job leaves many in panic looking for the next plantation, I mean, job not realizing inevitably there's a need to overstand the importance of financial literacy, financial planning, protected by an effective sustainable method.Read about his first year how getting fired allowed him to aspire higher and hire himself!
Obama: What Could Have Been May Now Never Be! (2017)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
I gotta ask, should we be satisfied with what he’s done for black folk while president? If you ask me he did a lot for everyone… but us! If we review his works it is evident he neglected to address many racial pathological and psychological social war tactics aimed at Diasporic Afrikanz in america still experience.
Athletics versus Slavery 1.75: Athletes Can Spark Da Revolution!... But Will They? (2016)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
There’s a storm coming… One that has cultural meteorologists searching for wayz to control it. Systemic educational damage control units along with merciless “their”-story (not history) mercenaries have been deployed flooding the media and airwaves with strategic headlines to daze the consciousness of a sleeping giant. But this time, the target isn't a pastor, politician, or community leader... it's the Black Athlete!
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Sankofa Kemetamorphosis: Ancestral Calling... (2016)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Kemetamorphosis. The fusion of ‘Kemet’ and ‘morphosis’. Two words and concept that culminate the Afrikan equivalence to Muslims’ Hajj to Mecca, Christians’ pilgrimage to Bethlehem, or the so-called Jewz trip to Jerusalem; a re-membering (or putting back together) of our past giving us the tools to pave a more clear future. Every Afrikan must not only take at least one trip to Afrika, but in doing so MUST start in the east region where Kemet and it’s southern neighbor, Kush of the Nile Valley reside. Read of my latest journey home!
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Million Man March 2015: Justice or Else! (Or Else What?!) (2015)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Yet another march has come and gone and it's apparent we are not yet ready to actually “do” what is necessary to bring about solutionz to our intergenerational struggle. But who's to blame, a man who's called for the congregation of Afrikanz-in-America three tymz now with no results, or we, who continue to believe in his rhetoric?
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The Significance of Historical Consciousness (2015)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Why are we Afrikan people in the predicament we’re in? Why are we just as baffled to identify the source of this confusion when it is abundantly clear right before our eyes? Who’s behind gentrification? Who's historically behind economic disparity? Who’s at the base of all this and why do we have the typical “forgive and forget” or “let god handle it” reaction at what seems to be incidents that have recently picked up speed? It is simple at the root of this absence lays a very low level awareness of our historical consciousness.
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Hidden Notables: 9 Seldom-Known Facts that Discredit Christopher Columbus (2014)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
If it's one thing we Afrikanz-in-America (or better put, American-Afrikanz) love to do, it's celebrate. And although there shouldn't be of any sort on Columbus day, in contrast, if there is anything we should be celebrating, it's these 9 Hidden Notables.
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Why theBoule' (2014)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Having researched and written about America's first black fraternity since 1997, I haven't really revealed why I do... until now.
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The Unapologetic Quest to G.E.N.T.R.I.F.Y.: Ethnic Cleansing Through Economics (2013)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
To be frank, Gentrification should be synonymous with Colonializm. Often promoted as the transformation of neighborhoodz from low to high value, the residual benefit is the displacement of long-time residents and businesses—which is cleverly and I dare even say purposely overlooked. Learn more of the driving forces behind it; you'll find ethnic racizm at its core.'
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The Hype Behind Friday the 13th! (2013)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
We should all know throughout history, whatever YT had a limited understanding to, their usual reaction is to label it a mystery. But for the elite, they don't want you to know either, so they make urban legend folklore of it! One of the most popular (and least studied) is the #13 and more specifically, the date 'Friday the 13th'.
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Athletics vs. Slavery 1.5: Time to Pay the Piper Enslaved (2013)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
A recent lawsuit filed by ex-Athlete's against the NCAA and video game mogul, EA Sports is the latest chapter of the ever-pressing growth of injustice for profit that's finally beginning to sprout from its roots, cracking the white cemented pavement by modern slaveownerz who set up a system that has reaped benefits in probably the gazillionz since the Afrikan athlete has been "granted" access to play collegiate and professional sports.
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Juneteenth is Mis-Guided!! (2013)
by Kwasi Imhotep
I applaud the zeal and dedication of those who organize juneteenth celebrations around the country. It is a commendable effort to educate our people about this aspect of our history in America. Having said, and at the risk of receiving universal condemnation from the Afrikan community, I humbly declare that these juneteenth celebrations are mis-guided and are based on false historical premises!
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Black Imagery (2013)
by Kwasi Imhotep
Movies like Roots, Glory, Amistad, and Django Unchained are used as a cultural/political tool of the euro to perpetuate negative Black imagery. As such, it serves their purpose much more than ours. We are not afraid of history; we know such atrocities happened. But, we also know that the so-called history that is constantly shown to us tends to reflect Afrikans as inferior, docile, and more, but most importantly, this history is totally unbalanced.
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Kemet vs. New York & DC (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
When we look at todayz society, much hasn't changed compared to ancient tymz. With the grand exception of the so-called "rulerz" being of the pale persuasion, for one who's aware of the history of ancient civilizationz (that were by no mistake Afrikan), you can still see remnants today in cities across the world… mainly in their structures.
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The Boule' Pt.5: Internal Reflectionz: The Insides - A People Lost, Still in Search of it's Identity (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Our "insides" is in reference to our story being lost to slavery: the memories that once served as our spiritual insides. Focusing on the educated elite who are memberz of BGLOs, I overstand very few actually know of the Boule' for although it is not a secret society, it is a society that holdz secrets. And it is these secrets, that have gone a time without scrutiny, that serve as a large part to our inability to even attempt to retrieve our "insides".
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A Vic(k)tim of White Collar Crime: The Continued Debate on Deficiency or Difference (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Ever notice of all those who've been attacked for animal cruelty like Michael Vick and fashion modelz wearing animal skin, no one, including PETA, has aggressively gone after the horse-racing industrial complex! Why? Probably because it is a mega-billion operation!
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Her Em Akhet vs. the Sphinx (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
There standz a monument in the Nile Valley—which on one hand is respected as one of the seven wonderz of the world, while on the other, is continually disrespected because of the name and fabled history attached to it—that has the ability to answer several controversial questionz on the origin of wo/man. Although erroneously called the Sphinx, we've discovered this riddle has now been solved.
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A Review of Dr. Francess Cress-Welsing's Theory of Racism (2012)
by kwasi imhotep
Just to be clear, I have tremendous respect for Dr.. Welsing, her dedication, her unrelenting defense of people of Afrikan descent, and her courage in speaking out against what she calls racism/white supremacy. However, I hold the opinion that her theory does not adequately explain the causal elements of the destruction of Afrikans by our enemies. Therefore, I offer this analysis in the spirit of advancing the knowledge in this regard. Perhaps this effort will spur us more directly towards an effective solution to the continuing atrocities imposed upon us by our oppressors.
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Boom Shots | Rap Sheets (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Afrikan people are in dire straits as we strive to reclaim our cultural identity. With that said, there have been countless s/hero's who championed the call of Afrikan independence. In this series, we reflect on a few. Concurrently, as with any conflicting cause, there are many in opposition of this reclamation—we note them here as well. Get familiar of those who fight for us as well as those against us!
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VERSUS: hisstory vs. OURstory Index (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Whereas ignorance was deemed a sin in the dayz of Afrikan antiquity, it has thrived in todayz world. Ignorance has become bliss. Practically everything that goes on today operate from the deedz of Global White Supremacy. From invasion then plagiarizm, to the renaming and appearance of Afrikan names, symbolz, and icons; these are but a few war tactics vital to the success of YTs control. We must realize in order for them to maintain influence on our thinking, they have to govern what we know. We at DGT intend to challenge certain names, historic iconz, and word terminology in an effort to define ourselves, ourself, using historical truths...
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Kemet vs. New York & DC (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
When we look at todayz society, much hasn't changed compared to ancient tymz. With the grand exception of the so-called "rulerz" being of the pale persuasion, for one who's aware of the history of ancient civilizationz (that were by no mistake Afrikan), you can still see remnants today in cities across the world… mainly in their structures.
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Her Em Akhet vs the Sphinx (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
There standz a monument in the Nile Valley—which on one hand is respected as one of the seven wonderz of the world, while on the other, is continually disrespected because of the name and fabled history attached to it—that has the ability to answer several controversial questionz on the origin of wo/man. Although erroneously called the Sphinx, we've discovered this riddle has now been solved.
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Sephedet vs. Star of David (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
If History is a lie agreed upon, the story of the Sephedet should be it's Poster child! If you're familiar with our Versus Series and/or my writingz, you're well aware of our claimz—shared by many historianz whose shoulderz I stand on—that our ancient Afrikan historical presence has been preserved (although hidden) around the world!
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African Renaissance Monument vs Statue of Liberty (2011)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
If you haven't been to Dakar, Senegal recently, you might not even know something monumental happened on April 4th, 2010. Standing perched on a hill at 160-feet and can be seen for miles, a statue standz erect symbolizing a declaration of Afrikan greatness, the African Renaissance Monument. And it just so happenz to be larger than the Statue of Liberty...
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Ptah vs. the Oscar (2011)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, replicating then erasing the original — never revealing it as the source — is the ultimate form of disrespect. Learn more of one of YTs most effective schemes aimed at the misconception of whitefolk as superior. As alwayz, you'll find Afrikan culture at its root...
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Polyverse vs. Universe (2011)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
I choose to call it a poly- instead of uni-verse because the realm we live in actually is incalculable. Using the Djhuitic principle, Polarity, with space being perceived to be limitless, there's no way of knowing exactly how many worldz, galaxies, and dimensionz that have existed!
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Uncle Tom vs. Uncle Tom (2011)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
There is a myth about the character known to many American-Afrikanz as Uncle Tom. To begin with, he was not a mythical person, although his character turned out to be. What's alarming is learning how this name became the stereotypical crusade not only against history, but Afrikan peoples identity. Find out why bein' called an 'Uncle Tom' should actually be a good thing and not what we've been duped to believe...
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Djhuiti vs. Hermes (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
One of the most respected principles followed by people who align themselves with consciousness is the Seven Hermetic Principles — but who was Hermes and should it be called that?
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American-Afrikan vs. African-American (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
The naming of a people has a direct link to a their identity and unity. We’ve seen our people in search for ourselves merely through the definition of a name. A name of significance to a landmass is rehabilitating to the lifestyle and culture of any ethnicity. If that wasn’t so, italy wouldn’t have italianz, china wouldn’t have chinese, and europe wouldn’t have europeanz. Even more vital is how one’s origin is carried with them as they venture to new regionz (ie. chinese-american, italian- american, etc.). So why has it taken so long for Afrikanz to call themselves Afrikan-American?!
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Maangamizi vs. Maafa (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
The so-called jew talks of the holocaust they went through during World War II at the handz of adolf hitler. Not long ago, they constructed a museum so the world will never forget what was done to them. Which leadz me to the question, "where’s our museum so the world never forgets our holocaust?!"
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Heru vs. Jesus (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Every Easter, the christian world payz homage to a myth-turned-legend, prolonging the continuous cycle of accepting an ancient fable as historical fact without actual proof. We've been reluctant to see the story of the mythical christ's rapsheet is EXACTLY identical to one from the Nile Valley that predates more than 6000 yearz before "jesus". See if your reverend can explain these simularities...
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Jegna vs Mentor (2008)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
We forget the power we give to somethin’ when you call on its name. Couple this with ignorance of the origin of these wordz, we actually disrespect somethin’ we intend to respect...
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The 3 Muskateerz: the FDA, Monsanto, & Soy: the Assault on the Human Diet (2006)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
The FDA and Monsanto have been on a mission that seemz to echo the manifestation of former President Jimmy Carter's Global 2000 Project—a program that called for the elimination of 2 billion people. How? Simply by controlling something everyone does… eat! The creation and distribution of rBGH and soy are acts of war on humanity with family being it's major casualty! Learn the effects and the connection to the rise in homosexuality.
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Urban Unrest - Remnants of Slavery in New York (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
His-story has done a great job in havin' people think slavery in the United States was below the Mason Dixie line. They're doin' an even better one in tryin' to conceal its role in the cover-up of Afrikan free labor in both the building and maintenance of one of the worldz most popular city, New York. Yes, Lower Manhattan is sacred ground, but not for what happened on September 11, 2001. Wall Street would not be without the forced free labor, which included the starvation and death of tenz-if not hundredz-of-thousandz of Afrikanz brought here against their will.
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Who Killed MLK? a video compilation (2012)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Every January, we start hearing Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr's infamous, "I Have A Dream" speech, but if you research this still mysterious murder—and even deeper, the dayz that led up to his assassination—you'll find it really was (and continues to be) a nightmare! This nightmare became even more deceitful when white media labeled James Earl Ray the lone assassin. While most accepted, there are those that knew there was another side of the story that wasn't been heard.
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Ignoring History Perpetuates the Myth of White Supremacy (2011)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Although the word 'ignore' is in 'ignorance', there's a difference between the two. While YT chooses to consciously ignore history—meaning they are aware of their history, and rely on everyone else's ignorance—meaning, unfamiliarity, unawareness, and lack of knowledge about. One race knowz and strives to keep everyone else from knowing, using everything from school curriculum and media propaganda to sanction through their judicial system. Overstand, whitefolks are counting on our ignorance 'cause all it does is allow them to sustain their way of life… as overseerz.
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The Boule' Pt. 4: The Psychological Makeup of a Sellout (2011)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Every May, memberz of the Boule' commemorate their founding by re-reading their history book as a symbol of renewing their allegiance to an organization modeled after Skull&Bones. I propose every year, Afrikan re-read select books like Chancellor Williams, ‘The Destruction of Black Civilization’ so that we may renew our mission to restore our legacy. For yearz, hedz been wanting to know some of the specific thingz the Boule' s took part in. Well ask no more. Part 4 of this series focuses on detailed accounts of espionage plus a deeper look at the actual lifestyle of the greeks these negroes emulate.
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When Knowledge Became Kryptonite (2011)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
It is evident the majority of us have forgotten how Afrikan people fell from grace to the level of cellar-dwellerz on the socio-eco- and most important spiritual- planes long enough for the world to believe this is how Afrikanz have alwayz been. We've all had that conversation where we're told we come from a lineage of great King and Queenz, but when I would follow with the question, "how did we lose it?", the discussion goes into lyrical bewilderment! Most come to an abrupt halt when left with the realization that somehow, we just -effed up. This is unsatisfactory to me. How did we -eff up?! Find out...
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Christopher Kill-umbus: The Mind of a Serial Killer (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Every second Monday in October, Banks and schoolz are closed and government offices are empty in remembrance of the infamous European explorer, Christopher Columbus. For hundredz of yearz, Columbus has had a special place in the history of the New World. To Afrikanz, celebrating Columbus Day is actually celebrating the mass destruction of our own people! Instead of a day where we see parades and floats down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, it should be a day of mourning...
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9/11 Index: The Metaphysical Repercussionz to WTC Bombing & The Terrorist Factory Series (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Right after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, DGT produces a six-part series giving both a conspiratoral and metaphysical perspective of why this happened and this sublime historical context behind it. Read and become enlightened to the culprits we found involved. You may or may not be surprised...
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The Terrorist Factory, pt1 (2001)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize regardless of who is directly responsible for the recent attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, that this is clearly a case where YT — the self-ordained god of our time — has his handz bit by his own invention...
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The Terrorist Factory, pt2: The Masonic Connection (2001)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Yearz ago, I wrote some pieces that introduced the metaphysic and numerological side of freemasonry. Well, some recent research showz masonry is directly linked to the 9/11 attacks. And the connection is over a millennium long!
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The Terrorist Factory, pt3: The Masonic Connection II (2001)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Part 3 deals with more of the masonic connection that YTs American media blatantly refuses to talk about...
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The Terrorist Factory, pt4: Space: 2 Go Where Man Has Gone B4 (2001)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Starting out what was simply perceived as a lil' payback on the U.S., we've gone from actual (counter) attack, to masonry, to hell-y-wood and now, leading us into the investigation of NASA and the space program! This research has taken us on a very deep journey. Part 4 promises to continue to increase your frequent mental miles...
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The Terrorist Factory, pt5: Ordo Ab Chao: Order Out of Chaos (2002)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
With the first anniversary of 9/11 upon us, you know I had to unleash additional info I found about this scam. Trust, the deeper we get into this, the more I find the masons and illuminati behind it all!
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The Terrorist Factory, pt6: What Actually Happened at the Pentagon (2002)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
On September 11th, 2001, the World Trade Center was hit in the heart of New York City's Financial District, but so was the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Have you noticed everything that happened that day is focused on New York with not much talk of what actually happened at the Pentagon?! Peep what we found...
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Iz Islam4 Afrikanz? (1997)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
When it comes to Afrikanz changin' their english names to the name of another oppressor, historian and author of 'Destruction of Black Civilization', Chancellor Williams couldn't have said it better, “Blacks in the US seem to be more mixed up and confused over the search for racial identity than anywhere else. Hence, many are dropping their white western slavemasters' names and adopting, not Afrikan, but their Arab and Berber slavemasters' names!”
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Do Rasta's Have 'Jewish' Roots? (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Herein lies the dilemma, if Haile Selassie I is connected to King Solomon, then what I've found about Solomonz promiscuity could put into question the true virtues of Rastafarianizm: is it really royal or part of a bastardized faction? Is the Rastafarian movement born as a result of predatory sexual abuse? And if so and Solomon standz as the foundation, should his reverence put the entire belief in question? Let's take a look at history…
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The Superman Complex (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Rivalries can be personal and even get a lil' grimy, usually bringing out the best in each other—or worse. But the latest I want to build on is a rivalry that goes much deeper than the usual one, for this one involves the psychological makeup of an individual...
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Blood Mineralz (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
The culprits behind this massive cover-up wants the world to believe America’s involvement in the Congo is to fight communizm and the “Soviet influence in Afrika,” said by writer, William Hartung, but the real deal is in securing their own interests, namely, the mineralz bought by American companies that make cellphones and laptops...
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Graciousness? or Gluttony!: Is This Reactive or Proactive Relief? (2010)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Haiti's need for assistance didn't start with the recent earthquake, nor flood from a couple yearz ago. Haiti has lived most of its existence well below the poverty line and no one gave two s#@t's about 'em until Tuesday, January 12th at 5:14pm.
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The Power In A Name: When Called Upon By Someone Else (2009)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Is it me or does it irk you when non-Afrikanz choose to put themselves in positionz of leadership for Afrikan causes? I mean, if its not at our most sacred of ritualz, they’re doin’ documentaries like ‘Rise!’, or hosting and/or DJin’ Hiphop concerts or poetry slamz...
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Ethnic Cleansing (2009)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Research states YT will be in the vast minority in as little as 50 yearz! And this startling fact has basically got YT shook!
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I Am the Future of Black Media (2008)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
As egotistical as this may sound, it isn't solely by choice. This is as much a statement of distress as it is desire. Plain and simple, Afrikanz across the globe do not have a voice that focuses on the values and needz of Afrikan people...
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H.E.L.P.: Human Extinction Level Project (2008)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Before the next century is over, humanz will no longer be the most intelligent type of entity on the planet... computerz will. What's more complex is that the definition of what is human will be put into question. As computerz receive more code advances to respond and interact with userz, it'll be so hard to tell the difference between the two (human and computer voices), they'll forget who (what) they're communicating with! And as humanz lose the inability to tell the difference, computerz will begin to feel and think they are in fact, human—actually better than human!
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Fallen Star (2008)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
I was on the internet last night and I cried. I honestly cried like a baby as I saw a figure responsible
for all the pieces you may have read of mine about the Boule’ (aka Sigma Pi Phi) and Black
Fraternities and Sororities... yep, you guessed it, Baba Steve Cokely...
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The Fallout of DGT and the Mother of the Matrix: Sophia Stewart (2008)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
From 2003-2006, DGT was the place to come to hear about a woman who claimed she was the brainchild behind two of the worldz highest grossing movie franchises, 'The Terminator' and 'The Matrix', then there was a sudden stop. Find out why...
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A Historical Perspective Between Deficiency and Difference (2008)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
Over the last several weeks, white America heard two eloquent perspectives of America from an Afrikan point-of-view. My only problem is that in the year 2008 we're still fighting the wrong fight. Rev. Jeremiah Wrights NAACP speech brought attention to an ancient topic America refuses to acknowledge... that many see the difference in non-white cultures as deficient...
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Y I'm Not A Registed Voter (2008)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
There's an old saying about the dayz the christian missionaries came to Africa, "When they (the missionaries) came to Africa, WE had the LAND and THEY had the BIBLE. They taught us to throw away our Godz and believe in theirz. They convinced us to close our eyes and pray to their God. When we opened our eyes after praying to their God, THEY had the LAND and WE had the BIBLE!" To me, I can easily substitute "Land" with Self-Determination" and "Bible" with "Voting".
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25 Yearz?! Y Not LIFE!! (2006)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
On Thursday, July 13, 2006, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which opened booths to millionz of Afrikanz-in-america (Black people), was “granted” a 25-year extension from Congress as Republicanz sought to improve their standing with us so-called “minoriteez” before electionz this fall.
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Lies That Won't Go Away (2008)
by anthony t. browder
The February 2008 cover story of National Geographic, “The Black Pharaohs: Conquerors of Ancient Egypt” revealz that the history of black people is still being grossly distorted and the process of mis-education continues unabated.
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Sleeperz (2007)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
We truly are not aware of the kind of work we put our mindz through each day; we never “think” how the mind knowz how to govern so many thingz at once; we “forget” to wonder how somethin' can work literally all day as well as all night without a break – even when we sleep! Dreamz are proof that your mind is still at work. Let’s face it; the mind is the perfect employee!!
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FOT3 [Free-quenceez of Tyme]: The Star Of A Story (2005)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
It is our birthright to know everything that makes us who we are. Would you purchase a complicated electrical appliance without the manual?! There is a manual for us Afrikanz, and this manual resides inside you, it's just that we've been tricked by YT to think only they could tell us who we are...
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101 Biblical Contradikshunz (2006)
by m'bwebe aja ishangi
The Bible, said to be the holiest book ever written, also "passes" as the alleged “word of God”. We at DGT feel it is important to attempt to prove the continuous tampering of this book by passages that seem to contradict one another, thereby leading to the assumption that a book such as this continues to be degraded by the pen stroke of man (YT) makin' it not as holy as it may seem – for if it was, it would never go through the contininuous re-editionz this text has already undergone – not counting the infinite number it will continue to experience.
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