click here to read what hedz are sayin' (comments) below (watch 'The Riddle of the Sphinx' on DGTv) SECTIONZ 1. INTRO
Afrikan Historian, Dr. John Henrik Clarke once said,
The racial identity of the people of KMT or Kemet (erroneously called Egypt) has been a riddle indeed. Count C. Volney, a white French scholar who visited Kemet in the late 1700s, wrote:
He went on to say in his 1821 book, "Oeuvres" (French for 'Works'),
The Afrikanz struggle for cultural identity is not by coincidence. The root of our struggle to reassemble our legacy is at the handz of countless invasionz by other ethnicities including, but not limited to, the pale-skin persuasion—including the Asianz on up to the last colonial conquest of the Persianz, the pirating Greeks, Romanz, and the Arabz who govern the *Nile Valley region today.
Difference between KMT and Egypt
Fact: Kemet—which is synonymous with the Nile Valley—was already old before europe was even born! Yet, every non-Afrikan wants to claim Kemet as their own. Some argue "we're all one and of the human family!". Well, it's one thing to identify with Kemet and wear the Ankh and All-Seeing Eye of Heru necklaces and tatooz; it's another to do so without acknowledging its indigenous Afrikan root—whether consciously (on purpose) or through ignorance. Hell-y-wood has effectively done this using Agit-Prop (Agitation Propaganda) for decades with countless white actorz in movies like Cleopatra, the 10 Commandments, Stargate, and The Mummy, to name a few. Author of 'Nile Valley Contribution to Civilizations', Anthony Browder noted, "the history of Africans worldwide, is the world's best-kept secret." As with any takeoever in history that includes YT, when they forced their way into the Nile Valley, along with the torture, enslavement, and murder of innumerable Afrikanz, they took over the newly conquered land. One of the first thingz these murdering serial vandalz did was deface anything that looked Afrikan. Today, you can still see many statues with the nose and lips missing at white exhibits around the world—of course for a fee which YT keeps for profit. (watch 'Secret In the City' on DGTv) Browder pointed out in 30BC, 302 yearz of Greek rulership came to an end when Augustus Caesar conquered Kemet for the Roman Empire. Under royal decree from the Roman Emperor, ancient Kemetic (and Egyptian) libraries were destroyed along with as many lost. It is clearly evident non-Afrikanz envy our Ancestorz and her descendants for who they were/are today, as seen with the constant dilution of music, fashion, and language, (ie. hood termz now mainstream like 'chill' and 'swag'), yet like their Ancestorz, still refuse to humble themselves to accept these contributionz to humanity as simply something beyond their creative comprehension. So, in turn, they sought to literally replace us through pillage and vandalizm through the changing of names as well as skin complexionz to create the farce that a pale-skinned race—who, by the way, can't even tolerate the heat of the sun, causing them to develop life-threatening skin cancer (mind you, they didn't have sun screen products back then) —started civilization in the very same place… HOT ASS AFRIKA! To guarantee this crime would benefit their offspring for innumerable generationz, they plagiarized texts and renamed practically everything—the last to greek—makin' it nearly impossible to trace the original history and meaning. One such is a monument, which on one hand is respected as one of the seven wonderz of the world, while on the other, is continually DISRESPECTED because of the name and fabled history attached to it, is the origin of the Sphinx, who's earliest name heretofore will respectfully be called Her Em Akhet. Her Em Akhet is a statue of a reclining mythical creature with a lion's body and a human head that standz on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile River. It is the largest relic in the world built from a single block of limestone, weighing hundredz of ton, standing 241 feet long (or about as long as a city block), 20 feet wide, and 66.34 feet high. It is also the oldest known monumental sculpture, and is commonly believed to have been built by the people of Kemet of the Old Kingdom during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafre (2558–2532BC). I say 'commonly believed' because there's solid evidence it is much, much older, yet white Egyptologist's and Historianz refuse to publicly acknowledge this because it puts into question everything they've placed on their version of history's timeline! I say if anything, Khafre could be on of the earliest excavatorz, who's connection was verified from a figurine that was found of him buried in the sand at the base of Her Em Akhet. Still, most will associate Her Em Akhet with the Sphinx. Because most have been conditioned to accept without question, to look up what the word 'Sphinx' actually meanz doesn't enter the mind. Any dictionary will tell you that a Sphinx is one-third woman, a-third eagle, and the last third lion (notice the breasts and wingz). When we look up the definition of Sphinx, it meanz "to strangle, guard; gatekeeper or protect". This has nothing to do with Kemet nor Afrikan people. So when we gaze upon the tall relic positioned in front of the Mirw (original word for Pyramidz, plural), protecting sacred information of prior civilizationz, does it have feminine features? Where are the breasts?? And how about the wingz?! This is not a Sphinx although it remainz incorrectly called that today. What makes this serious is we find many of YTs secret societies (and a few black one's: the Boule' and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.) have attached themselves to this, at least, 12,000-year-old relic. There's a reason for this and to many therein lies more than just a riddle of secrets. The story of Her Em Akhet proves what many dare not admit… that Afrikanz were civilized well before whitefolk ever existed! What's more, we existed before their so-called religion predating their bible & christianity, islam & the koran, and judaizm & the torah! Over the centuries, YT (along with other non-Afrikanz: arabz, asianz, indianz, etc) has gone through great lengths to conceal this profound truth. Many tymz they redefined thingz with opposite definitionz of its original meaning mainly because of the inability to fully comprehend the knowledge; after all, they weren't students of the Kemetic Mystery Schoolz. Thus, most endin' up with wicked or evil names to basically scare hedz from doin' their own research—especially fanatics under religionz spell. For instance, the Arabz renamed Her Em Akhet 'Abu Hol', or 'the great Father of Terror'. Our Afrikan Ancestorz, who built Her Em Akhet along with the great Mirw had an altogether different meaning. Her Em Akhet simply meanz, 'Heru on the Horizon'; Heru comin' from the original trinity, Ausar, Aset, and Heru, or Father, Mother, and Child—before christianity's 'father, son, holy ghost' facade that threw out the feminine principle replacing her with a ghost who's allegedly "holy"—as if life can manifest without women; a clear violation of the seventh *Hermetic principle, Gender! When you look at Her Em Akhet, you see the head of a man on top of the body of a lion. What many don't realize is Her Em Akhet is symbolic. The king of all beasts is commonly known as the lion. Now, we know there were no half-man/half-lion creatures walking about anywhere on this planet! Browder explainz,
Her Em Akhet faces East because our Ancestorz knew the pineal gland is the seat of the Afrikan soul and when the sun rises in the East, it hits the forehead (pineal gland), suppressing the beastly nature of man. In contrast, as mentioned, the definition of the Sphinx is to "protect, guard; gatekeeper". Other situationz we find the Sphinx used:
2. THE RIDDLE OF THE SPHINX & OEDIPUS In contrast to its original name, the story of the Sphinx is an interesting one with no connection whatsoever with Afrika. The folk tale of the Sphinx however, can be linked to Oedipus. As a youth, Oedipus was left to die on a mountain by Laius, his father, put him there because he had been told by an Oracle that he would be killed by his own son. Young Oedipus was saved by a shepherd and eventually returned to Thebes. Prior to meeting with King Creon of Thebes, he killed a man later learned to be his father. Creon, was upset people were unable to come to his city because of the Sphinx. He recruited Oedipus to deal with the matter promising his crown and daughter if he could kill the Sphinx. According to the greeks, this beast was a guardian of the city of Thebes (one of the earliest names for the Nile Valley region. The earliest one's are Waset, Wo'se, and Nowe). She sat on a cliff on the only path leading to the city. Anyone that wanted to enter Thebes had to first confront the Sphinx where she would ask one simple riddle and if you didn't know the answer, she would devour you. History showz Luxor was the ancient city of Thebes, the great capital of Kemet during the New Kingdom, and the glorious city of the god Amen-Ra. The city was regarded in the Ancient Kemetic texts as w3s.t (pronounced "Waset"), which meant "city of the sceptre" and also as t3 ip3t (conventionally pronounced as "ta ipet" and meaning "the shrine") and then, in a later period, the Greeks called it Thebai and the Romanz after them Thebae. Thebes was also known as "the city of the 100 gates", sometime being called "southern Heliopolis" ('Iunu-shemaa' in Ancient Kemet), to distinguish it from the city of Iunu or Heliopolis, the main place of worship for the god Ra in the north. It was also often referred to as niw.t, which simply meanz "city", and was one of only three cities in Kemet for which this noun was used (the other two were Memphis and Heliopolis). It was also called niw.t rst, "southern city", as the southernmost of them. Back to Oedipus. Upon reaching, the Sphinx asked, "What has one voice, and goes on four feet on two feet and on three, but the more feet it goes on the weaker it be?" Another version is "What walks on four by morn, two after noon, and three by night?" Oedipus correctly responded, "Man — who crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two as an adult, and walks with a cane in old age." After answering, the Sphinx commits suicide by jumping off the cliff and Oedipus was claimed King of Thebes for outsmarting the beast. Oedipus later married a woman who turned out to be his mother, Jocasta. On discovering what he had done, he put out his own eyes in a fit of madness, and Jocasta hanged herself. Now where do you see an Afrikan presence in this?! Nowhere. Remember, greek mythology is just that… MYTH! Meaning their stories actually never happened. So-called acclaimed neurologist, Sigmund Freud coined the phrase 'Oedipus Complex' and introduced it to the world via western psychiatry where he claimz every male wants to murder their father so he can have sex with his mother [(the equivalent in girlz is called the Electra Complex. When you learn what this is, you'll begin to see (if you haven't by now) just how sick these caucasianz are!]. This imbalanced concept does not exist in indigenous Afrikan societies. In Greek mythology, the Sphinx is female and meanz "to draw tight." Hence, this non-Afrikan version is envisioned as a strangler, guardian, gatekeeper, and protector which happens to be consistent to the black version of the Round Table Group—better known, as Historian Steve Cokely called them, the 'Rhodes/Rothschild Secret Society'—the Boule' as previously mentioned. I must first point out this confusion on the history of Her Em Akhet is based on the invasion and deliberate removal of indigenous people's Afrikan memory bank. Todayz Egypt bearz little resemblance to its Kemetic origin. 3. EARLY EGYPTOLOGISTS 'Kemetologist's' are Afrikan-centered Afrikan historianz scientists, excavatorz, and researcherz who know, as well as can prove Kemet's Afrikan origin. There are, however, a few non-Afrikan, like Robert Bauval who professed this at the 2nd Nile Valley Conference in Atlanta, Georgia in 2011. This is ital for it allowz the reader/researcher to understand which set of eyes the presenter has: Afrikan or non-Afrikan… Unfortunately, in most cases, the info many are exposed to is the latter. 4. BLACKED-OUT THROUGH WHITE-WASH As mentioned, there were many stolen artifacts from Kemet that are on display in museumz around the world (watch 'Secret In the City' on DGTv). While some are disfigured merely from being victimz of time, many were because they simply had Afrikan features. Along with Her Em Akhet, a large percentage of statues are missing their lips and noses, whereas the later-sculpted European-looking figures are intact. What's also fact is the faces of Afrikan sculptures were altered to appear caucasian by european invaderz. Our Ancestorz built these temples, carving many out of solid rock, making it virtually impossible to destroy them—an ingenious idea because of it being one piece of stone, it didn't require much maintenance. YT hadn't developed the use of dynamite yet, so they manually chiseled away at the artifacts in an effort to conceal its origin. This work proved not only ineffective, but difficult as well as exhausting, particularly under the desert sun, so they had to come up with another method. They settled on covering the artifacts with plaster. But it fell off centuries later exposing the original stone evidence. See, solid stone endures, but plaster and stucco is temporary, eventually cracking off and exposing what it's been hiding and, to the annoyance of the guilty, perfectly preserving the original structure for future generationz to potentially see. Still, YT covered the front of these temples with white stucco and later reopened them as Christian churches, even though in many cases, the hieroglyphics (correctly called Medu Neter) of the original builderz remained seen. Buried with sand up to its neck, Egyptologist Mark Lehner makes the claim of how the nose was removed as well as the missing beard on Her Em Aket. His theory is long rodz or chiselz were hammered into the nose; one down from the bridge and one beneath the nostril, then used to pry the nose off towardz the mouth. The fact that someone would go through such great lengths to deface something they did not create showz the level of hate they had. Another theory comes from Egyptian/Arab historian al-Maqrízí, writing in the 15th century AD. He attributes the loss of the nose to attacks by Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr, a Sufi Muslim from the khanqah of Sa'id al-Su'ada. In 1378AD, upon finding the people making offeringz to Her Em Akhet in the hope of increasing their harvest, al-Dahr was so outraged that he destroyed the nose, and was later hanged for it. Al-Maqrízí described the Sphinx as the "talisman of the Nile" on which the localz believed the flood cycle depended. But the most infamous story is of Napoleon the (not so) Great Bonaparte. This serial bandit from France led a raid into the Nile Valley entering July 1, 1798 and didn't leave until September 1801. Legend has it, upon first gaze on the prominent thick lips and broad nose of Her Em Akhet, he became so enraged by it's Afrikan features, he ordered his men to shoot them off with a canon taking twenty-one shots to deface it; also where the military and police derived its "Twenty-one Gun Salute" to a fallen soldier or officer. Although disputable, even though there are sketches of Her Em Akhet already without a nose by the Dane Frederic Louis Norden published in 1755, it does not mean there weren't numerous additional attempts to conceal its prominent Afrikan features. 5. NAMES OF HER EM AKHET Medieval Arab writerz, including al-Maqrízí, called the Sphinx balhib and bilhaw and the modern Egyptian Arabic name is Knowing the earliest known name (Her Em Akhet) and it's meaning (Heru on the Horizon) are in complete contrast to the caucasian and arabic definitionz makes the claim of conspiracy to mislead the masses hard not to believe. How could two historical enemies of Afrikan people innocently come up with the complete opposite meaning?! We mustn't be so naive... 6. WATER EROSION DEBATE & THE TIMELINE OF WO/MAN In the early 1990s a small group of researchers—one, a european by the name of Robert Schoch, began to look at the distinctive pattern of rippling waves visible on the body. The conclusion was Her Em Akhet had been eroded by thousandz of yearz of heavy rainfall. Rain? In the dry desert of Kemet?! Hard to believe, but the evidence is there! The last of that magnitude happening well over 7,000 yearz ago before the existence of the dynastic periodz of Kemet and thus proving Her Em Akhet predates the Dynastic Period as well as there being at least one civilization of dark-melanated people before this time! Mind you, this is also before the 9 Periodz of Civilizationz began (around 3100BC)! Before this revelation, many thought the erosion was by wind, but there's no way wind can damage anything if it's buried in the ground—in this case, the sand which preserved it from any natural damage. When rock is eroded by wind, the layerz are rigid and sharp, but by water (rain in this case), it's smooth and even glossy. Examples of the two can be seen at the Grand Canyon in Arizona, although it was carved out by the Colorado River where you can see the lower rocks have that shiny look. How does this happen? Picture a the origin of a waterfall where heavy water beginz to flow over a once rigid regions of rock. Over time, the consistent heavy flow begins to chisel away the sharp edges. This same thing happenz all around the planet including the solid limestone structure of Her Em Akhet. Throughout the Nile Valley, there's no other remaining structure that has suffered this type of erosion during this same period. The Mirw, although its outer layer of stone was, according to Browder, stolen and used to build many of the catholic cathedralz in europe, there is no erosion like that of Her Em Akhet, further proving it is much older than what is claimed and well before Khafre's time and the building of the Mirw at the Giza Plateau. This also radically challenges YTs view of history and the biblical account of creation! According to the Bible, although it doesn't really give an exact date, the time span from Adam and Eve to our present is approximately 6,000 yearz ago. Well, it is correct, sort of, but for a specific race, not humanity (read origin of whitefolk). Her Em Akhet proves there were civilizationz that existed before Adam and Eve, for which the Bible doesn't even mention. The even greater question is NOT the exact date of YTs version of "In the beginning…", but rather if life has been created and destroyed many tymz prior to Adam and Eve! Evidence can be seen in their very own book! Revelationz 21:1-4 states:
Could the new heaven and earth that's spoken of in the Bible have been Adam and Eve's first appearance in a renovated earth? This would explain how Her Em Akhet can be a monument left over from a civilization and world prior to the believed without question "first man and woman". It wouldn't—again, according to biblical myth, be the first time either. Remember when the earth's population was allegedly later destroyed, and repopulated by Noah and his ark? It's not "God" that did this, it's astrological cycles; something better interpreted as 'Time' (watch 'T.I.M.E.: The Inner Mind's Eye' on DGTv), which has loyalty to no one—not even itself! We're talking about the beginning of everything, the Unknown-Known! This is best explained when you study the Precision of Equinoxes (watch 'Numerical Mystereez' on DGTv) Many are not aware just how unstable as well as unpredictable space really is. We are within a few degreez of destruction based on how the planet is tilted and positioned in our solar system. Throughout each Earth day and night, there are starz exploding or imploding with debris and chunks of rock colliding with other rocks. Any of these can and has reached our atmosphere; causing damage on various levelz to none at all! Macrocozmically, starz are born, destroyed and reborn all the time and will continue to happen indefinitely (but not infinitely). So you see, it's no mystery "God" bringin' fire and brimstone to Earth, it's Time and Space! This further confirmz that Adam and Eve were not the first human creatures this alleged "God" created. There's enough evidence that supports human life bein' well before 6,000 yearz ago, even as far back as 260,000 yearz! But that's another subject. 7. WHEN WAS HER EM AKHET BUILT? Gaston Maspero, the French Egyptologist and second director of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, conducted a survey of Her Em Akhet in 1886 and concluded:
In 1904, English Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge wrote in 'The Gods of the Egyptians':
Since the Nile Valley is located in a desert region, Her Em Akhet's probable consistent foe was the sand that covered it. Studies show in the last 200 yearz, it has been dugout and re-excavated at least five tymz. The first documented attempt of an excavation reportedly dates to around 1400BC, when a young Pharaoh Thutmose IV of the 18th Dynasty had a team dig out the front pawz, between which he placed a granite slab, known as the Dream Stele. It describes its restoration and Thutmosis' dream that Her Em Akhet promised to reward him with the double crown of Kemet if he would remove the sand and restore the sculpture:
It's believed, Ramesses II the Great (1279–1213BC) may have managed a second excavation and in AD 1817, the first modern archaeological dig, supervised by the Italian Captain Giovanni Battista Caviglia, uncovered Her Em Akhet's chest completely. To fully excavate Her Em Akhet took from 1925 to 1936, in a dig led by Émile Baraize. In 'The Complete Pyramids', by Egyptologist Mark Lehner, he mentionz in 1931, engineerz of the Egyptian government repaired the head of the Sphinx when part of its headdress fell off in 1926 due to erosion that had also cut deeply into its neck. Despite this disputable evidence and viewpoints over the yearz, the traditional view held by modern Egyptology at large remainz that Her Em Akhet was built in approximately 2500BC by the pharaoh Khafre, also the builder of the Second Pyramid at Giza. As said before, their claim of proof for the Khafre theory is a stoned statue of Khafre, which was discovered buried upside down along with other debris in the Valley Temple. In 1949, Selim Hassan wrote about the recent excavationz of Her Em Akhet, summing up this perplexed issue:
Evidence as circumstantial? This is most likely the foundation of Egyptologists accrediting Khafre so as not to further the debate and thus prove civilization predates biblical folklore! Well, that time came in the 1990s... 8. THE AGE OF HER EM AKHET & THE ORION CORRELATION: HEAVEN ON EARTH I had alwayz wondered not only when was Her Em Akhet built, but why. My theory is just as Kharakhamun did in the 25th Dynasty, due to invasion, occupation, and plagiaristic modernization, there was a need to display the historical ethnic identity of its originatorz. I believe these sculptorz mindset was to accurately preserve and remind those invaderz, as well as more importantly, we, the descendants, of who we are. It's as if they had an epiphany this was going to happen. Even better, perhaps they were aware they had enemies capable of stooping to the level of impersonation and plagiarizm! One error commonly made is the belief the Kemet was the first civilization of wo/man, when it simply is the modern worlds oldest recorded civilization, meaning,, there have been many before, they just have not be rediscovered. We've heard fairy tales of underwater cities like Atlantis (a city many believe existed before Kemet). A european by the name of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) allegedly had the ability to put himself into a deep trance. While in these trances, he spoke of Atlantis, Her Em Akhet, and Kemet. He stated Her Em Akhet was an underground library where it was a storehouse called 'the Hall of Records' of the civilization of Atlantis dating back to about 10,500BC. whose entrance could be found from entering a passage from the right forepaw. Our Ancestorz of the Nile Valley spent a great deal discovering the questionz about life we seldom think of today. You've heard the phrase, "Heaven on Earth" before. When researching the history of the Nile Valley, it seemz this may be where this expression evolved. When a computer model for archived star alignments were reviewed, it showed the sun rose in the house of Leo during the time of the spring equinox 10,500BC. The zodiac sign for Leo is the lion. This was also at the same time the Sa (original name for Orion) constellation lined up with the Mirw and other monuments had aligned with various other constellationz. Bauval and Dr. Thomas Brophy released, 'Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt', providing an insightful (and well funded, I might add) glimpse of Afrikanz as the source of the Kemetic Dynasties and their connection to astrology. Among many astronomical wonderz, the alignment of Her Em Akhet face east, positioned right on the horizon where the sun rises on the spring equinox or 1st day of spring. The Sa correlation theory, as researched by these authorz as well as Graham Hancock and Dr. Charles Finch is based on the proposed exact correlation of the three Mirw at Giza with the three starz Ori This research points out the most probable purpose of creating these relics was to bring heaven to earth. It is believed from this research if you wanted to understand the riddle of life—perhaps where we come from, our Ancestorz were saying to look there, Sa's belt! Along with the true ethnicity of the founderz of the Nile Valley, it must be concluded archaeologists are engaged in a conspiracy to suppress evidence such as this that contradicts the established "scholastic" cartelz plight to control their story which has become accepted as history. So you see, everything has an origin, with quite a few influenced by something else. The injustice is when one takes somethin' and flips its meanin' in an attempt to conceal its true origin. As long as we continue to remain ignorant to the historical relationship Afrikan people have had with YT, our story will remain a riddle. Bless... *UPDATE:
This era is key, as Browder points out in his current Asa Restoration Project where he's currently excavating the tomb of Karakhamun, as well as in his book mentioned earlier, 'Finding Karakhamun'. Through his works, we've learned the genealogy of the 25th Dynasty royal family sought to restore the land of their Kemetic Ancestorz by connecting Kemet to Kush, restoring, as Browder states, "historical and cultural links that have been marginalized or ignored by numerous historians." (p.48) It is the work of our Ancestorz of this Dynasty that we can now historically link the original Kemetic Dynasties to Afrikan people, not the multi-cultural (and preferred, white) invaderz who've been "written in". This was started by the 25 Dyansty's founder, Piankhy. But before him, the first Kushite to fully practice Kemetic tradition was Alara. Browder points out his successor and brother Kashta led the first Kushite troops into Kemet and drove out the invading Libyanz. His son was Piankhy, who is credited for uniting Upper and Lower Kemet. All were driven with the desire to restore the traditionz of our Ancestorz of the first Dynasties. His brother was Shabaka, who drove the Libyanz out again after they regained control of Lower Kemet. Browder further explainz,
This echoe's the profound wordz of Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop: "For us to return to Egypt in every domain is the necessary condition to reconcile African civilization with history… Egypt will play the same role in the thinking and renewing of African culture that ancient Greece and Rome plays in the culture of the west." Bless… ==============LINKS & SOURCES Read more from our Current and R-Kyvz Vault
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