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I'm a sports hed just like the next, and if there's one thing a sports fiend likes is a rivalry; Jordan vs Dominique, Ali vs Frazier, the late-great Khallid Muhammad vs Phil Donahue (had to throw that one in). Rivalries can be personal and even get a lil' grimy, usually bringing out the best in each other — or worse (again, referring to Donahue, who Khallid verbally annihilated). But the latest I want to build on is a rivalry that goes much deeper than the usual one, for this one involves the psychological makeup of an individual. For starterz, I ask, 'Who is Superman?' For many, they know his alias as Clark Kent, an alien from another planet who just so happenz to look exactly like a white man. Psychologically speaking, one may also realize this Superman character is really a fictitious illusion of the caucasian male's continued wishful pursuit of god-like immortality. This is overlooked because Superman appearz to be white, yet he's not from this planet, and still considered to be a whiteman—while still an alien nonetheless. Evidence of this ludicrous belief that life outside planet Earth resembles exclusively, their genetically recessive selves. What's also deep is the fact his sole weakness is based on melanin — or the lack thereof — in the form of green kryptonite! I could go on, but this piece is not about him… This is about how Superman became psychologically an intrical part in the realm of sports, in particular, the brewing beef between Basketball playerz, Shaquille O'Neal and Dwight Howard. This ain't about who's more dominate in the paint or even who's more intimidating on defense, this is about two American-Afrikan[1] men sadly caught up in one of global white supremacy's most successful war tactics: the conditioning of Afrikan people to want to be something we simply are not… white! Some may immediately think this is a far reach, in disbelief that Shaq and Dwight are tryin' to "out-white" each other by calling themselves the original Superman or walking out of phone booths at Slam-Dunk contests. As said, it's psychological — a deep mental sickness the world-over sufferz from due mainly to YTs strong hold in the field of media and entertainment (which include schools, publications, television, etc). I thought back to when I was a kid, remembering the superhero's I aspired to mock — realizing all of them were white. Even though the Brown Hornet (from Bill Cosby's 'Fat Albert' cartoon) was around, I didn't see him as one to be taken seriously. Naw, I wanted to be Batman, Spiderman, even Thor! In fact, the only superhero of "color" I did like was Hulk and we all know he was all brawn and no brain — even though his alter-ego, Bruce Banner, was a Scientist (see the subliminal racizm here: when he's white, he has a brilliant mind, damn near a Rhodes Scholar, but when his melanin is turned on changing him to green, he becomes drastically less intelligent, yet physically, he can lift anything). Point being, most of my choices outside of white men were basically non-existent for even a child knowz being "dumb" ain't the popular choice! In most cases, hedz will see this simply as innocent child-play. And even though I seriously beg to differ, the severity of it isn't fully manifested until we look at the case of Shaq & Dwight. See, it's one thing for children to wannabe Superman, even a teenager; but for two, financially well-off grown men (one almost 40) to become so deeply attached they'll use his symbol everywhere — including on one's body — gives the word 'impersonate' a whole different meaning! It also showz that money really can't buy freedom, at least from your mind! If you're not familiar of their beef, here's a brief synopsis:
The beef apparently escalated when an ESPN commercial came out with Sport Analyst, Hannah Storm, posing as Lois Lane and Dwight as Clark Kent, prompting Shaq to make public comments to the media of his dislike to the point of taking credit of being the original Superman, "I can't be impressed by something I invented in '92. I mean, you look at what he is doing, I've been there and done that… Until he wins three, four championships, then we can talk about him. But right now, he is just like every other big guy: 'You can run and jump, but you haven't won yet."
Take a moment and look at the picture above. This appeared in Anthony Browder's book, 'Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization' (p.241). I remember the first time I saw the ad and after reading the caption was moved by the power of imagery. The picture alone captures the symbolic spell white media cast on the entire world decades, and perhaps, centuries ago, effectively because Afrikan people have little to no heroes at all. The real one's who fight for our freedom wind up dead, while those who continue the spiral degradation of our people maintain the relentless pursuit of the theorem of C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me) have become the example. The will to emulate these white characterz (and whitefolk in general) prove our desire as Afrikanz to have positive images that represent us, but because most have not recognized teh grip global white supremacy has had on us, we don't see we suffer from mentacide — a merged term meaning mental suicide eloquently defined by the late, Dr. Bobby Wright, as "the planned and systematic destruction of a group's mentality aimed at the destruction of the group." Afrikanz alienated from their culture and history eventually lose their sense of purpose and direction — the symptomz of Mentacide. Couple the overt and more effective, covert, techniques which includes the abduction of our Ancestorz for manual labor as early as 1444AD, removing the drum and names, replacing it with european one's, promoting us from physical to mental slavery post-1865AD, creating financial dependence crippling independent Afrikan countries ability to be self-reliant (like the IMF - International Monetary Fund), the creation of multiple 'black-faced-but-eurocentric-based' organizationz like the NAACP, Urban League, HBCUs (Historical Black Colleges & Universities) and, of course, fraternity and sororities; when you look at just this small list, you can see there's been an ongoing assault in erasing the Afrikanz will to truly "Know Thyself" and our history. Trust, there are hundredz, if not thousandz more tactics in play like the socio-economic divide between us and whitefolk (although we make up some 13% of america, there are more of us impoverished than YT… by design), the Tuskegee Experiment, the assassination of those who fought for our born right to freedom (Steven Biko, Patrice Lumumba, Malcolm, Martin), and the more recent attention that's been brought to the gentrification (more like a forced exodus) of urban cities, as well as the hidden history as to why Haiti, an independent Afrikan country, is the poorest on the planet. Instead, we are given daily dosages of white supremacy in 10 Areas of People Activity[2]:
I guarantee if we re-examined and adopted these 10 areas as core values that cater to our needz, we'd be on the path of self-reliance. This is the root of Shaq and Dwights beef. If they both are insightful enough to realize this, we will refrain from tryin' to mimic YTs fictitious wayz, tryin' to be 'god-like' and just be the 'Godz' we naturally are. Bless... [1] We need a quick revision between nounz and adjectives: American-Afrikan is correct, not Afrikan-American. 'Afrikan' is the noun, or what I am (the continent my lineage originates from), and the type of Afrikan I am is one who lives in 'America', which is the adjective. Think, if we all named ourselves this way around the world (Jamaican-Afrikan, Canadian-Afrikan, etc), maybe then we'd have a more universal approach to Afrikan liberation. [2] The '10 Areas of People Activity' was created by Drs. Neilly Fuller and Francess Cress-Welsing. Although it is officially known as the '9 Areas...", there are Afrikan scholarz who recently added Health, making it 10. Read more from our Current and R-Kyvz Vault
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