![]() click here to read what hedz are sayin' (comments) below It’s 2006, and hedz still think the United States government isn’t racist! On Thursday, July 13, 2006, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which opened booths to millionz of American-Afrikanz, was “granted” a... get this... 25-year extension from Congress as Republicanz sought to improve their standing with us so-called “minoriteez” before electionz this fall. The Senate turned in a 98-0 vote count the week of July 17th after the previous week’s House passage vote count of 390-33. Can you believe there were actually 33 politicianz who wanted to abolish American-Afrikanz' right to vote?! The next step is for good-old George W. Bush to sign the legislation, which, by the way, was not a coincidence that he finally showz up to speak at the National Association for the Advancement of CERTAIN People’s (NAACP) national conference after refusing to the invitation five yearz in a row. August 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law after efforts to fully integrate Afrikanz produced violent reactionz in Southern states. The law declared a nationwide prohibition against voting discrimination based on race, eliminated poll taxes and literacy tests, and other election devices that were used for decades to keep us from voting. The 33 who voted against the Act were obviously Republican. Actually, they petitioned to shorten the renewal from 25 yearz to 10!! But that don’t make the Democrats our ally either! What we should all be askin’ ourselves is, “25 yearz?! Why not LIFE!” This is why I am a proud NON-registered voter! That’s right, I don’t vote, ‘cause it’s a game designed for you to believe you have a say when you actually don’t! I mean, ask yourselves, why are American-Afrikanz the only group of people who has to ask if we can partake in voting every 25 yearz?!!? It’s asinine for our “so-called” leaderz to allow this shit to happen! Why aren’t they informing the people of this fact?! Oh, forgot, they’re all part of the game – they’re not our leaderz, the system appointed them as our leaderz for us! This Act and every election should be seen as an insult – especially for those who call themselves “american” because the truth is we’re “leased” americanz! The fact the government allowz this a part of legislation to exist today serves as an even greater diss because it meanz come 2031, hedz will convene again and decide if Afrikanz should be granted the permission to partake in voting again!! I mean, what’s the big deal with trashin’ the 25-year contract and make it life?! It’s clear to me they still see us as 3/5ths of a man and thus not worthy of full citizenship. No other race, including Asian- and Latino-americanz has to have congress pass a bill allowing them the right to vote here in america. We are the only race who have to go through this despite the large percentage of us that make up this country’s armed forces as well as having the largest spending power – well over $761 billion ($1 trillion by 2010)! Ask yourself, what you think woulda happened had they not passed the Act? Take a sec and marinate on that vision… I think all hell woulda broke loose, Sun! In fact, it actually woulda finally freed us because this would've taken the blindfodz off many of us! We’d finally see how YT truly see us; we’d ultimately give the ax to the co-conspiratorz of our ignorance – our so-called negro leaderz – and develop new leadership, creating our own systematic government! I guess YT ain’t fully ready fi war yet! But that don’t mean we shouldn’t be gettin’ prepared. It shoudn’t take another 25 yearz to go by ‘til we speak on this again, ‘cause come 2031, they might be ready to deal with the repercussionz of abolishing the Act. So instead of celebrating YTs permission to play in his reindeer games for the next 25 seasonz, we should be organizing our own game plan which would include a Nationality that would give us both dual citizenship and exemption from the 2nd class rights they instilled on us post-1865. There needz to be more than speeches, marches, protests, and boycotts, there needz to be a strategic 5-10 year plan devised or revised to develop our own government – a system that unites all melanated Afrikanz ‘pon di world! Ok, enough of the readin’, “Go out and get this movement started!!” *UPDATE: Tingba Apidta, revealed in his book 'The Hidden History of New York: A Guide for Black Folks', Afrikanz were granted the right to vote, according to the Eurocentric history of New York recordz, in 1811. BUT, this so-called "right" had some serious bulls*%t attached YT didn't have to worry about:
While most may think a shilling isn't much (said to be about eight-cents USD today), American-Afrikanz didn't have any money! Because of this tricknological tactic resulting in a low voter turnout, it gave the illusion American-Afrikanz weren't interested in voting. For example, in 1819 there were some 11,000 American-Afrikanz in New York but only 100 were allowed to vote in that yearz election — and of course, YT knowing any vote by us could sway an election, went out to control the Black ballot. In addition, in 1821, delegates at the Constitutional Convention in Albany, New York mandated American-Afrikan voterz to be landownerz of $250 worth of property and residents of at least three yearz — which didn't appy to YT. To combat this, seventeen yearz later, the New York Association for the Political Elevation and Improvement of People of Color was found as one of the first organizationz that was, by design, uncorrupted by whitefolks money and influence. This was before Marcus Garvey and represented a new phase in Afrikan self-determination. For more about this, read 'Urban Unrest - Remnants of Slavery in New York'. Additional Readz: Read Y I'm Not A Registered Voter Read more from our Current and R-Kyvz Vault
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