click here to read what hedz are sayin' (comments) below SECTIONZ
When he arrived in Manhattan, he was brought to an auctioning block today known as Wall Street. This was where white human traffickerz bid on kidnapped Afrikanz. After sold, they were forced to perform agonizing labor in the cotton and tobacco fieldz of the south, the shipyardz of the northeast, and householdz across the new colonies. Slavery certainly wasn't just a southern phenomenon, as we've been led to believe. New York, renamed from New Amsterdam when the British took the city from the Dutch, would have the second largest population of enslaved Afrikanz on the eve of the American Revolution. Afrikanz were used in the city to accomplish the backbreaking work of creating a new industrial world. A man who needed strong Afrikanz to length and widen the city's main street (Broadway Avenue) bought Samuel, who was seen as commodity; to be bought and sold as another slaveownerz property. When he died, no recordz were left of him except his age, gender, and physical condition which were marked into a slave ledger. Neither Samuel nor any other Afrikanz were allowed to be buried in the townz Trinity Church graveyard. All Afrikanz were to be placed instead in the Afrikan Burial Ground, just outside city limits, where perhaps 20,000 Afrikanz would eventually be laid to rest over a period of 78 yearz--an average of 250 each year. This cemetery became an important meeting place for Afrikanz, who were not allowed to be seen talking with each other in groups larger than three. It was only at funeralz that they could assemble in bigger numberz without the threat of the crack of the Crackerz (Overseer) whip or other punishment hanging over their headz. Because of this, the groundz became sacred to American-Afrikanz who lived there, and the descendants who came after them.
The history of the Afrikan Burial Ground is heavily embedded in the history of one of the largest cities on Earth. New York grew from an "island of rolling hillz"--that's what Manhattan translates to--into a bustling metropolis of some 9million people today. As the city ran out of space to spread, it began to grow upward. Each generation of buildingz in New York was stacked on top of the last and the skyline rose higher and higher. It was not rare that on one city block ten or twelve different buildingz stood on one spot at different tymz in New York history. The graveyard eventually became a row of stores and even a parking lot before the U.S. Government decided to bulldoze the lot to build a new federal building. In 1992, this destruction of the land underneath, where the Afrikan Burial Ground lay occurred in the heart of lower Manhattan. As blueprints were drawn for a 34-story federal office building to be erected on the site of the old parking lot, archeologists, following a 1966 Federal law designed to protect important sites before any public buildingz are built, began to dig into the earth looking for the existence of important historical remainz. What they found was exactly that; extremely important historical remainz 16 feet below ground level. They had penetrated the six-acre site of Samuel's 18th century Afrikan Burial Ground! They uncovered hundredz of Afrikan skeletonz that would provide new insight into the chattel enslavement experience in New York City... in the North, where everyone's led to believe slavery didn't happen! The problem was YT wanted to build a skyscraper in this busy financial district, regardless of this historical find, to house organizationz like the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). We, the descendants, protested wanting to preserve and memorialize the final resting-place of thousandz of our Ancestorz. Mainly because, as expected, the government did an extremely rushed job removing just 415 of the over 20,000 bodies from the area, leaving the rest! They wanted the area cleared so they could begin construction as soon as possible, figuring moving quickly would keep this epic find on the low. The bones and artifacts were further disrespected when they were improperly wrapped in newspaper and stored in a musty, humid gymnasium at a local college. All the while, activists were pleading that the bones of our Ancestorz be treated with dignity. Where most felt the bones should never have been removed in the first place, while otherz wanted them studied carefully by American-Afrikan scholarz before being returned. Even more demanded that all construction stop on the new building. To no avail, the large federal building was built anyway--minus a small grass area that was sectioned off and identified as a site of the Afrikan Burial Ground that standz today. As a very small gesture of the importance of the sacred ground it was built upon, five pieces of artwork was chosen by the federal government to sit inside the Federal Building, not by the American-Afrikan community. Further insult is the fact the artists were predominantly not Afrikan of any kind. The 400+ skeletonz were relocated to Howard University's Frederick Douglass Hall in Washington, DC, where they lay to this day. Another issue at hand is that the funding for the DNA research on the excavated skeletonz ran out. To date, scientists have already determined from the bones that the Afrikanz were extremely overworked, undernourished and had an incredibly high death rate, especially amongst young girlz. What's key is they were even able to tell which area of Afrika the bodies came from, information that was never before available to modern descendants of kidnapped Afrikanz. I must echo the infamous wordz of one the worldz most notorious criminalz, napoleon bonaparte, who once said, "history is a lie agreed upon." Although many of us are well aware of the monstrous and barbaric acts chattel enslavement brought on our Afrikan Ancestorz, few know of it being anywhere else other than in the southern region of the United States. In contrast, an in-depth analysis of the settlement in the New World, in particular the North, is an area that's been strategically underexposed. His-story--meaning, whitefolk's version--has done an effective job in havin' people think slavery in the United States only took place below the Mason-Dixon line. And they're doin' an even better one in concealing its role of forced Afrikan free labor while under subhuman conditionz in both the building and maintenance of the most famous metropolis of the world, New York City. Thanks in large part to Tingba Apidta's book, 'The Hidden History of New York: A Guide for Black Folks', we now know the truth. I took interest yearz ago as an undergrad when studying about slavery in America. I kept hearing it didn't exist in the North--something I honestly had a hard time believing. A couple yearz later, I was at a KRS-One lecture where he spoke of the Emancipation Proclamation really only freeing the slaves in the South and not the North; the first time I heard of any reference of there being slavery besides in the South. Then came the year 1991... In Lower Manhattan, New York City, some workerz uncovered 415 graves that had been the resting place of some 20,000 kidnapped Afrikanz. Apidta correctly referred to them as the "forgotten Black builders of the 'greatest city in the world'." These Afrikanz were worked to point of exhaustion and premature death with their bodies piled up in what became the Afrikan Burial Ground. For centuries these graves bellowed a story the world needed to know that went unheard: that there was chattel slavery in the North; that this system was the way the worldz greatest city was built; and that the way Afrikanz were treated were no different than what our Ancestorz experienced in the South. Of the remainz, Apidta writes:
What's even deeper is where our Ancestorz corpses were found... in the heart of Wall Street! Yes, Lower Manhattan is sacred ground, but not for what happened on September 11, 2001--of which a newly erected monument resides where the Twin Towerz once stood. *Wall Street would not be without the forced free labor, which led to starvation and death of tenz-if not hundredz-of-thousandz of Afrikanz brought here against their will.
Today commemorating this act standz the Afrikan Burial Ground National Monument, but the important thing to note is this monument serves as but a fraction of what the city of New York--and the world for that matter--owe Afrikan people. In Lower-Manhattan, on the cornerz of Duane and Elk Streets, you'll find this monument. The Visitor Center opened February, 2010 and now serves as the City of New York's haphazard way of acknowledging what they did to our Ancestorz; additionally serving as a diversion to the fact the financial empires they've built over this sacred Afrikan land from profits of history's most inhumane atrocity enables them to keep this wealth (doesn't sound much like a memorial now, does it?). And even though this monument pales in comparison to what we really deserve, what was there before that was worse! From 1991 up until 2010, it was a small fenced-in patch of grass! What's as important is the seldom-known history of slavery in New York and its role in the creation of this 'Mecca of Menace'. To truly comprehend the enormity of this secret, I felt compelled to write this piece. I hope it will touch you as it has me... III. ORIGIN OF NEW YORK: THE BIRTH OF AMERICAN TERRORIZM
When one hearz the term 'terrorist', 9/11 comes to mind. And although the area where the Twin Towerz were struck by unmarked planes--of which the second plane (American Airlines Fight 175) was caught on camera having a long missile-like explosive device attached below--is correct, something more menacing began some 400 yearz before 9/11. As said in the prelude, New York's original name was New Amsterdam; before that, it was New Netherland. The first invaderz were the Dutch and their history is interesting indeed. Havin' left western Europe, the now New Netherland was formally created June of 1623, when 30 families and a ship containing 103 horses and cattle settled in present-day Albany, New York. Not long after, Peter Minuit settled on what's today known as Governor's Island. All this was financed by the Dutch West India Company, a wealth-development firm in Holland who stole territory between the Delaware and Connecticut riverz and north along tidewaterz of the Hudson--obviously the wealth they "developed" was through colonializm. At its heart was the trading facility of New Amsterdam on the southern tip of Manhattan Island. This was the beginning of european occupation and eventual theft of aboriginal/indigenous land. Now Holland is another name for the Netherlandz. In 1648, they fought against the Spanish Habsburg empire, winning independence quickly becoming a leading imperial tyrant who used this power to colonize Afrika, brining our Ancestorz here against their will. I must note it never ceases to amaze me how whitefolk--oppressed by their own--can have the audacity to fight for freedom, then turn around and perform the exact same behavior on others. Proof positive they are psychotic indeed. With this analysis, we Afrikanz must relinquish the idea one day YT will "come around". Rape, pillage, plagiarizm, and murder is as common as their "American Apple Pie." It's what they're made of; from inception to present-day--it's in their genetic DNA. Study melanin and you'll overstand why. Knowing this gives a new perspective on the subliminal meaning of the infamous Holland Tunnel, an underground tunnel one drives through coming from New Jersey into New York City. This symbolic figure mimic's a fort of sort, where the entrance encases this mecca of stolen wealth from the outside world, or better put, blocks outsiderz from the only city which also has a high entrance fee (currently $12)! New York quickly became the center of the slave trade with its bankerz backing the growth of plantationz in the South. It must also be noted slavery in the North and South were interconnected; both relied heavily on the "success" of each other. This insidious and diabolical project expanded YTs physical and sexual infatuation of Afrikan people into a formula accepted by hedz the world-over. This was the beginning of where we see colonializm and the global economy generate a new form of wicked wealth. IV. COLONIALIZM INCORPORATED
What many don't know is Afrikanz were enslaved in New York the same way our Ancestorz were in the plantationz of the South. Why the sudden preference of Afrikanz and no longer the *Redman? Thomas A. Janvier, author of 'New York Slave-Traders' said it best, we were needed to do something "the whiteman had no history of doing--building a civilization for another race of people."
"...beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect."
A typical mentality YT continues to possess is arrogance fueled by ignorance, for anything they could not comprehend was viewed as beneath them. This is the way they see everyone who's not white, which I can again, only conclude as a genetic disorder--meaning there's no cure--mainly from the bio and psychological deficiencies one lacks from little melanin. This translates into the fictitious superior complex mentioned before where they feel there's no need to respect anything they cannot understand. By no meanz does this logical diagnosis make whitefolk victimz of their own actionz. That would be too easy, for they have and continue to perform such demonic acts that result in benefits to their agenda: genetic world domination aka Global White Supremacy. We Afrikanz should know these acts to be a complete violation of the Djhuitic Principles. This unnatural hatred serves as fuel for the monstrous acts they exhibit on indigenous people throughout the world in addition to the trickery that lead to the theft of the land, cultural ritualz, and practices (those they could grasp). With them now beginning to get a control of this new land, the Dutch investorz were salivating at the theft at hand. They wanted this new territory colonized so they offered an incentive: any whiteman who could bring 50 settlerz to the colony would be awarded as much Redmen land as they could cultivate--land that wasn't even theirz! In addition, those on said land would be bound to serve 1-6 yearz (believed to be the first and mildest form of slavery practiced in New York). How'd they get this land, you ask? They were able to steal it because before YTs arrival, land was never seen as something to be owned, it was something used and cultivated. What followed was the beginning of the Red Holocaust where countless Redmen were tortured, enslaved, and murdered for senseless reasonz other than that they could. Other wayz they used included biochemical warfare. In 1760, one, Jeffrey Amherst and his 10,000-man army used devious tactics to end French rule in North America. But what he did to the Redman was more wicked. It was he who devised and executed the spread of smallpox with infested blankets. He felt they were, "the vilest race of beings that ever invested the earth," and with them dead would be a "meritorious act for the good of mankind." (Apidta) By 1788, New York officalz drew up a greedy, I mean, treaty that had the Onondaga Tribe cede and grant all their land to them forever! YT reveled knowing they reduced the strongest of all Redmen confederacies to nothing, leading the enforcement of the Six Nationz onto reservationz. Another corrupt treaty was the one of Buffalo Creek in 1838 where the Senecas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Tuscaroras, Oneidas, St. Regis, Stockbridges, Munsees, and Brothertowns were driven out of New York. Apidta noted, using this bastardized english language, they worded it so as one would think they desired their own extermination. Greed begets greed. Now conquered, this land was financed and operated solely by the 19-membered Dutch West India Company known as the Heeren XIX (the Lords Nineteen), who now wished to govern exclusively, cutting out the Dutch parliament. The Redman proved ineffective in the amount of physical labor YT required to build their city, so their attention turned exclusively to the Afrikan. Apidta pointed out there were three periodz of slavery by YT. From 1626-64 (38 yearz) the Dutch started it all when 11 Angolan males were kidnapped and brought to New York. At the same time, the Lords Nineteen had a sale of 10% off the purchase of Afrikanz to encourage settlement in the New World.
The first known recorded ship to arrive in New York was the Tamandere in 1646 where they were traded for pork and peas. Because of the amount of labor that was needed to build this city, YT became desperate in their desire for more Afrikanz, a need the Lords Nineteen was happy to fulfill. I must also note there's a seldom known and thus discussed topic on the relationship of Afrikanz with this so-called Jew. If you know anything about New York--Brooklyn specifically, you know their setup is a lot like their co-pirates in Israel, with over 500,000 and 250,000+ in Manhattan. What's really deep is Crown Heights, Brooklyn is named after one of Nathan Simson's slaveships, the "Crown" which arrived in 1717 and 1721 with a total of 217 kidnapped Afrikanz, two of the largest human haulz of the 18th century! More ships followed with naked Afrikan men and women, many who died from the drastic weather change. Apidta writes, "According to historian Edwin Olsen, 'it was not until 1655 that slaves were carried to New Netherland in any great number.' This date concedes with the arrival of Jews to America after their evacuation from Brazil in 1654." Once they got here, the slave trade accelerated exponentially! There was a large concentration of Afrikanz being sold to the Caribbean Islandz. From this we find the link between Rasta and Judaizm; read, 'Do Rasta's Have 'Jewish' Roots?' I must reiterate, our Ancestorz were treated not as humanz, but as goodz to be sold to the highest bidder, and of course, many (bloody) handz reaped both financial and physical (via rape) benefits. The British royalty took a large cut and in 1753, they created a tax on the importation of Afrikanz with the amount based on their ages. According to A. Judd Northrup, who wrote, 'Slavery in New York', in 1900 the initial average price for one of our Ancestorz between 1626-47 was about $100350.00. By 1654 the price almost doubled at $280.00! As the yearz went by, the price rose. In South Carolina, 1801 an Afrikan man was sold for $500. By 1860, the price was $1400.00! In total (actually, range, because there's no official tally) some 1535 million Afrikanz were sold at these prices and in some cases, even more! You want to talk about an amount for reparationz? According to 2005 U.S. Census figures, some 39.9 million American-Afrikanz live in the United States, comprising 13.8% of the total population. This alone amounts to as much as $35Billion! If we were looking for a base dollar amount for Reparationz we'd have to include suffering, punitive damages, AND an interest rate at nearly 500yearz! This would be the starting figure--and that doesn't include all the wicked culprits globally! That figure would more than triple especially when you tally the total Afrikan Diaspora! This would more than cripple the global economy, it would bankrupt it! So overstand Afrikanz, we ain't gettin' reparations from whitefolk willingly! We must come to realize the history of New York is a violent and callous one, who's streets and land is covered in insurmountable amounts of innocently slaughtered blood. The Big Apple, this "great city", probably sits atop the murder capitalz in the history of man... right next to Rome. In order to conduct any kind of investigation to bring these culprits to justice we need to know the names! When you know the names of the responsible, you can trace them to today--the wicked beneficiaries! Apidta realized this and included an abbreviated list of several hundred in his book. V. WHO'S WHO AMONG NEW YORK OVERSEERZ
We have to overstand practically all thingz with a name were given that for a reason. When we study white-biased American history, it is easy to conclude they exhibit the habit of honoring those who, despite their monstrous acts and war crimes against humanity, did them for the advancement of not the nation, but whitefolk... exclusively! I reiterate, the sooner we Afrikanz accept this and rid the psychotic notion whitefolk has an ounce of decency toward Afrikan people, the sooner it will determine how quickly we'll recover from the now mental enslavement we're experiencing, allowing us to move toward liberation that has cultural self-reliance as its base. So it should no longer be a shock to find there are numerous places, streets, and schoolz named after these conspiring serial killerz and abettorz of the Maangamizi we still suffer from. Nevertheless, this is foreign to many. I note it is imperative we make it our business to become aware of the names, their rapsheet, the location of such sites, and who they were in relation to Afrikan people so we can discontinue celebrating their memory out of ignorance. This is one way the cycle of ignorance and cluelessness can be broken. Here's a few we should make our collective business to know about:
Other notables: • Willem Verhulst - 2nd Director of Dutch West India Company • Peter Minuit • Sebastiaen Jansen Krol - 4th Director of Dutch West India Company • Wouter Van Twiller -- preceeded Willem Kieft • Amerigo Vespucci
These are but a few but it is clearly evident this country is in the practice of honoring hedz who view Afrikan people as subhuman and something more in the lines as an object rather than a being. The challenge for us is, now that we know, what do we intend to do with this knowledge? Hopefully the message is clear enough for us to realize we will never, ever be seen as equal (not that we should even strive to be equal with something so wicked). With that said, the only real solution is a return to Afrika, ala Sankofa, where we focus our attention on self-reliance and communal collective work and responsibility. This meanz Afrikan people must work with exclusively Afrikan people because if we continue to deal with the world allowing all the races to merge their special interests, we will remain on the bottom of the socio/economic/spiritual ladder. We must realize there is nothing wrong with Afrikan people working for the interests of Afrikan people! VI. HIDDEN IN PLAIN SITE(S)
The enslavement of Afrikanz along with the Redman was in high demand throughout the world and New York was no exception. At one time New York had a larger population of enslaved Afrikanz than Maryland or Virginia and were disposed of the same. In fact, "as many Afrikanz were murdered in Manhattan in the anti-Black Draft Riots of 1863 as were killed in the War of 1812" (Apidta). Not all Afrikanz in New York were enslaved, yet many lived in similar harsh conditionz. There was a large amount of Afrikanz in New York, yet were only welcomed as servants . One good thing out of this whitefolks has kept out the school history books for fear of rebellion was the New York Conspiracy of 1741, also called the Negro Plot of 1741 or the Slave Insurrection of 1741. This plan by enslaved Afrikanz was to level New York City with a series of fires happened almost 100 yearz before Nat Turner's revolt in 1831. Rumorz of this conspiracy came about mainly because of economic competition between poor whites and enslaved Afrikanz, a brutal winter, and recent slave revolts in South Carolina and the Caribbean. In March and April 1741, 13 fires erupted in Lower Manhattan, the most significant one at the home of the governor at Fort George. Mary Burton, arrested in a case of stolen goods, testified against the otherz as participants in a supposedly growing conspiracy to burn the city, kill the white men, take the white women for themselves, and elect a new king and governor. Two Afrikanz were burned at the stake. Before their executionz and after obviously being tortured to near death, they confessed and named dozenz as co-conspiratorz leading to a stampede of arrests. Trialz and executionz followed through the summer. At one point, nearly half the city's Afrikan males over the age of 16 were in jail. The number of arrests totaled 152 blacks and 20 whites. They were tried and convicted. Most of the convicted people were hanged or burnt. The bodies of two alleged ringleaderz, Caesar, an Afrikan, and John Hughson, a white cobbler and tavern keeper, bodies were put on a post left to rot in public. Seventy-two men were deported and sent to Newfoundland, various islandz in the West Indies, and the Madeiras. But that's not the only positive thing our Ancestorz did. We were also ownerz of land in Manhattan. In fact, Afrikanz once owned Central Park! Remnants of our story can still be seen today. Most of these places we walk by everyday having no clue of its historical inception. What's more, many are blatant as there are subliminal! Here's two: 1. Seneca Village: The First Black WallStreet before Central Park At the near-tip of Manhattan on the site where the Dutch West India Company built Fort Amsterdam to keep the Redman out and Afrikanz in as slaves, sits one of the most monumental of New York structures. Around 1825 land between 83rd and 88th streets and Seventh and Eighth avenues were up for sale. The first buyer was a 25-year-old Afrikan man, Andrew Williams, who purchased three lots for $125. Nearly half the land was bought by Afrikan families--one William Matthews owned almost five acres! This area turned into Seneca Village. This area was the future site of todayz Central Park. Out of pure jealousy, the area became known as 'Nigger Village', but what was key was they were about property ownership. See, in order to vote, New York law required Afrikanz who wanted to vote had to own land. Afrikanz in Seneca Village housed the area where most Afrikan property owners in New York City. They built their own schools an churches and was an all Afrikan community until irish immigrants forced themselves in, eventually making up to 30% of Seneca Village by 1855 (this is nothing new Afrikanz, we see this today all around the country with whitefolk moving in to urban areas. Take a look at Bed-Stuy, Fort Greene, Brooklyn, or Harlem). In 1852, city council decided to take over the area to build Central Park. By then, the area was pretty much a wasteland where over 5000 irish and german immigrants lived in huts and ate garbage" (The Park and the People: A History of Central Park, Rosenzweig and Blackmar). On July 28, 2011, Columbia University archaeologist, Nan Rothschild (who's more than likely the blood lineage of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his Rhodes/Rothschild Secret Society) found remainz of a 19th-century village beneath Central Park not far from where William G. Wilson--a free Afrikan--used to live more than 200 yearz ago. Rothschild unearthed what's left of Wilson's home, as well as other remnants of Seneca Village, the first community of American-Afrikan property ownerz in New York City. The village existed from the 1820s until 1857, when its inhabitants were--in typical caucasian fashion--forced out to make way for the creation of Central Park. Her team from the Seneca Village Project found the wallz of Wilson's 19-foot by 21-foot home, metal roofing, a stoneware beer bottle, kitchen utensilz, and clothing remnants from his home. They also discovered pots and animal bones near the home of another villager named Nancy Moore.
Seneca Village was located between 81st and 89th Streets and 7th and 8th Avenues, in what is now a portion of Central Park just east of Central Park West. During its more than three decades, Seneca Village grew into a community of about 300 people where two-thirdz of its villagerz were of Afrikan descent, while the rest were predominantly Irish. The community included a school, as well as three churches. The subliminally deep irony of it all is how interesting it is to find an ancient stolen relic, a tekhen--erroneously called Cleoptra's Needle--set there February 22, 1881, residing but a few meterz away between the Great Lawn and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (watch 'Secret In the City' on DGTv). 2. Four Women (dedicated to the spirit of Nina Simone) If you go down to the Financial District in New York City, a few blocks from Wall Street, home of the New York Slave, I mean, Stock Exchange, you'll find the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House next to Battery Park at 1 Bowling Green. Most walk by without even knowing the history behind this building. But now that we're in the know, we can begin the process of reclaiming our truth! In a recent Anthony Browder lecture I attended, he talked of the peculiar, yet seldom recognized artistic structure outside this building. As you approach, you will see four statues of women stretched across from corner to corner. This piece of art is called 'The Four Continents'. Each continent was given feminine names metaphorically because of the notion women give birth to nationz (although it's men who ruin them). Each woman is the physical representation of four of the six continents of earth (many scientists now refer to there being six instead of seven continents since Asia and Europe is really one solid geological landmass). In order from left to right, we have Asia, America, Europe, and Afrika. I will decypher in this order: Afrika, Europe, America, Asia. No single artist was commissioned for the sculptures; rather, some of the most noted of the day were employed: Augustus St. Gaudens, Albert Jaegers, and Vincenzo Alfano, but were led by designer Daniel Chester French. French, also constructed the Lincoln Memorial--which has its own controversial story. One being the first drafts of the memorial having Lincoln sitting in a chair encased by a giant pyramid. Browder also pointed out in his book, 'Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization, Vol. 1' this relic is a carbon copy of the Abu Simbel Temple of Ramses II of the 19th Dynasty. There's a lot of symbolizm that can be found here, but it's not a coincidence we see evidence of YTs unforthcoming willingness to disclose the full description of each statue. But don't fret, after some further research and the help of Browder, I learned a jewel or two:
They say there are over 8million stories in New York, we just revealed a portion of the foundation... the history. The history of New York and its role in the enslavement of Afrikan people, the insurmountable profits whitefolk the world-over continue to reap from it, as well as its subliminal plagiarized, I mean, preservation of the Afrikan & Redman experience should be no exception! This should be one of the most profound if not viral stories of New York if not the world! For the millionz perhaps billionz of hourz in free labor endured by our Ancestorz—especially in Manhattan—there's perhaps a handful of Streets, Boulevardz, and Parks honorably named in their memory. We must come to termz that this is so because in whitefolks eyes, Afrikan people will alwayz will be seen as 'The Help" (like the movie). No one should have to watch as their Ancestorz' bones are disregarded in death as much as they were in a life of slavery. It is not a good feeling knowing our Ancestorz still lay buried under humongous skyscraperz whose culprits created a global financial empire that stand a few feet above their now disturbed resting place. Those involved--as well as beneficiaries who continue the history of this catastrophic deed against humanity--should be tried and convicted as war criminalz! A lot of answerz to our Ancestorz' history are hidden in broad view throughout the streets of New York. What we can see is there's a lot more to be revealed. There is this fixation to use the knowledge of our Ancestorz of the Nile Valley to bring the heavenz to earth only they fail to acknowledge this thing they're in search of was and continues to be obtained through ill-gotten wayz; a heaven this certainly is not! Although I don't' fancy quoting this guy, but what Harry Truman once said is very profound, "there is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know." It is my hope this article serves as a resource for your continued studies on the Afrikanz role in the development of this country as well as our influences across the world. We must consider once knowing, to share; "each one, teach one" so that we all have an opportunity to know-the-ledge (knowledge). I leave you with Howard University Professor, Dr. Greg Carr's libation performed at the Afrikan Burial Ground, circa 2008. Ashe' IX. LINKS/RESOURCES
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