click here to read what hedz are sayin' (comments) below Springz here and everyone is ready for good weather. Coming out of the arctic blast into the warm soothin' rayz of Ra (the Sun), one cannot help but be in the mood of celebration. And when people celebrate, someone makes money. So pardon me as I expose yet another wack man-made hallow-day—that simultaneously has the audacity to use religion as it's foundation. So who's responsible for the creation of easter? What?! You don't know?!!? ASH WEDNESDAY It alwayz seemed bugged to me, but isn't the 'mark' that they wear the same 'mark' that God put on Cain's forehead after he murdered his brother Abel?! Was not that 'mark' a sign that alienated Cain from everyone in the form of a punishment?! So Y IZ YT wearin' it? Are they themselves portrayin' Cain, a murderer who was not in good graces with God?? Speaking of the 'mark', was this not the same symbol that was used to kill the biblical Jesus?? Last time I checked, the 'mark' was used by the Romanz to execute hedz. I'm tellin' you, when you peep 'HIS'story on thingz, you begin to see that most people today operate on ignorance alone—which can be deadly, especially if taught to our youth because it allowz the lie to perpetually exist! RELIGIOUS LINKS
Easter is s'posed to mark the resurrection of the biblical Jesus (I say 'biblical' because there is strong evidence he did not exist and that it is merely a story covering up the original 'Jesus' better known as, Heru, whose parents were Ausar and Auset. Read the works of Gerald Massey's, The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ). Legend has it 'Jesus' was allegedly killed on a cross. But if you read Acts 10:38-41, it talks of him being lynched:
This is but one of many biblical contradictionz inside this so-called 'holy' book. I didn't read anything about him being on a cross. This whole notion of the cross also raises a point of just when did the lynching of Afrikan people begin, which may be the Romanz; definitely not the Ku Klux Klan! Somethinz not right Afrikanz, we've been told one story but the story they say it's from actually sayz somethin' else! Kinda showz how idiotic and confused YT wants his followerz to be. Ask yourself, how long has this passage been in the bible and why hasn't anyone challenged it? This also showz hedz really don't comprehend their bible — the one source of info many claim as the foundation of their beliefs! The whole concept of spirituality, including religion, evolved from the east, where Afrika is. That's why we see 'East' in Easter. YTs 'behind closed doorz' knowledge of Afrikan people being the first beingz on this planet can be seen when you know what to look for. ![]() Every easter Sunday the Pope sits in the Vatican and deliverz his speech to the world, speaking of being honorable and holy, while at the same time, faces a stolen Afrikan tekhen that sits in the middle of the Vatican — watch 'Secret In the City' on DGTv for detailz. It's known the Pope payz homage to the Black Madonna — who's really Aset from the original trinity (Ausar, Aset and Heru). Ever peeped the subliminal on that? What many may not know is that he has an original version of the Black Madonna in the basement of the cathedral church where he kisses the foot of Madonna who has blantant Afrikan features! In fact, all Pope's have done this dating back to 1382!
THE ORIGIN OF EASTER The only green tree they saw during winter was the evergreen tree; which is why they hang it up during the christ-mess hollow-day. In the ancient dayz of Cahna-Bal — a priest of Baal — they celebrated what was called "holy-week". This was a time of the resurrection of the dead vegetation God, who died in the autumn and came back to life in the spring. Notice the similarity to the biblical Jesus' resurrection... in the spring! These beasts partied indeed. How? Not by drinkin' 40s and playin' dominos. Instead, they sacrificed animalz AND children, burning then EATING them! Hence, Cahna-Bal is where Cannibal, or meat (flesh) eater evolved. Eventually, the "celebration" was changed to have sexual connotationz, where a woman would paint herself, hide and when found, violent sexual acts were performed, both hetero- and homosexual! Today, easter has evolved yet again. Gone are the baby-back rib cook-offs and orgy's. Today we see animalz, eggz, and candy, but they too have subliminal meaningz. The sexual sublime is still parlayed, but on a more subtle level. Most believe spring is a time for love and even birth. That's why the bunny rabbit was adopted as the main symbol. Rabbits are known to "get it on" creating multiple numberz of offspring. Why did YT choose the white rabbit? The white rabbit sendz the misconcepted subliminal message that whites are creating many offspring like rabbits; but you and I know this just isn't so. It is a scientifically known fact that YTs recessive genes does not allow them to procreate as many as melanated people do. If it wasn't so, why the design of the spermbanks and In Vitro?! In addition, they use the eggz of a hen, who also layz numerous eggz per litter. The ill subliminal is that the spirit of Cahna-Bal lives with the traditional thing one does with an easter egg? It's eaten! And what is an egg? An underdeveloped baby chicken!! Another subliminal is YTs subconscious yearning to be darker. What's the old sayin' women want in a man? To be "tall, DARK and handsome". Dr. Francess Cress Welsing speaks on YTs lust for chocolate is a subliminal attraction for Afrikanz. This is confirmed when we analyze YTs affixiation with Afrikan people, from tanning to cosmetic surgery to our music and even the way we speak! Speaking of Easter and its effect on health, as I said earlier, when people celebrate, someone makes money. Around this hollow-day, the consumption of high doses of sugar increases, just 6 months after the highest consumption (Halloween) — watch the 'White Sugar series' on DGTv for detailz. The consumption of refined sucrose, aka white sugar, spellz "$$cha-ching$$" to the medical administration, including hospitalz, dentists and insurance companies. One other subliminal, if you take all the colorz of the rainbow and overlap them, you will get black because Black is the consumption of all colorz. But when speakin' of flavorz, we attribute the colorz red=cherry, yellow=lemon, green=lime, purple=grape, etc. Now if black is the consumption of all colorz (flavorz), why does the black jelly-bean and licorice taste so nasty?! Like a mixed fruit salad, shouldn't it be tropical flavor?!!? In closing, virtually all western man-made holydayz have some wickedness to it. It is up to you if you decide to disregard this piece or do further research on your own. The seed of consciousness has been planted, only you can make it grow. Bless... Additional readz/resarch:
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